Source code is the central asset of a software business, keeping it safe is critically important. Regular backups are included as part of Azure DevOps; there are however some disaster scenarios that may warrant an additional level of protection:

  1. Microsoft keeps backups for 28 days which gives you limited time to detect a problem and request a restore. In some cases, you may only find out much later e.g. accidental or malicious deletion of a repository, branch or history.
  2. Your Azure DevOps instance may be hosted in a different country and may not be accessible from your home country if there is a global war.

To address above one can regularly (e.g. monthly) clone the Git repos and store them to an Azure blob storage account using the following:

  1. Azure Pipelines to run a PowerShell script on a schedule to perform the backup. The Azure Pipeline must have the project level pipeline setting Limit job authorization scope to current project off so that the pipeline’s System.AccessToken has access to all repositories in the DevOps account.
  2. Azure DevOps Services REST API to get the list of repositories.
  3. git clone --bare and git lfs fetch --all to download the repo content
  4. PowerShell’s Compress-Archive to zip up the repo into a single file;
  5. AzCopy to upload the backup to blob storage. Here we use a SAS token with only create and write access on the storage container for authentication. The SAS URL is stored as a secret on the pipeline. Alternative: Azure File Copy task.
  6. Setup a Blob storage lifecycle management policy to manage costs by automatically archiving and/or deleting old backups.

YAML pipeline definition for above:

- cron: "0 0 2 * *"
  displayName: Monthly backups on 2nd at 00:00
    - master
  always: true

  vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016' # windows-latest fails due to git checkout writing to the warning/error stream

- powershell: |
    # download & unzip azcopy. Download link from: (curl -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction silentlycontinue).RawContent
    Start-BitsTransfer -Source "" -Destination $env:Build_SourcesDirectory\
    Expand-Archive $env:Build_SourcesDirectory\ $env:Build_SourcesDirectory\azcopy\ -Force
    Get-ChildItem "$env:Build_SourcesDirectory\azcopy\*\*" | Move-Item -Destination "$env:Build_SourcesDirectory\azcopy\" -Force

    $repos = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($env:System_TeamFoundationCollectionUri)_apis/git/repositories?api-version=5.0" -Headers @{
      Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
    if ($repos.value -eq $null)
      Write-Error 'Error getting repo list' 
      Write-Error $repos

    $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
    new-item $env:Build_SourcesDirectory\clone -itemtype directory

    foreach ($repo in $repos.value) {
      Write-Host "**** REPO ****"
      Write-Host $repo.remoteUrl
      $projectName = $ -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '-'
      $repoName = $ -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '-'
      git clone -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN" --bare --verbose --progress $repo.remoteUrl $env:Build_SourcesDirectory\clone
      if ($LASTEXITCODE) {
        throw "git clone error $LASTEXITCODE"

      cd $env:Build_SourcesDirectory\clone
      git lfs fetch --all
      if ($LASTEXITCODE) {
        throw "git lfs error $LASTEXITCODE"

      $zipFile = "$($date)_$($projectName)_$($repoName).zip"
      Compress-Archive -Path $env:Build_SourcesDirectory\clone\* -DestinationPath $env:Build_ArtifactStagingDirectory\$zipFile

      .$env:Build_SourcesDirectory\azcopy\azcopy.exe cp $env:Build_ArtifactStagingDirectory\$zipFile $env:SAS_URL_MAPPED --check-length=false
      if ($LASTEXITCODE) {
        throw "azcopy error $LASTEXITCODE"

      Remove-Item -Path $env:Build_SourcesDirectory\clone\* -Recurse -Force
      Remove-Item -Path $env:Build_ArtifactStagingDirectory\* -Recurse -Force
  displayName: 'Clone, zip and store repos'
  failOnStderr: false
    SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
    SAS_URL_MAPPED: $(SasUrl)